This post will be primarily pictures, as the only way to begin to fathom Vevchani Carnival is through photos. If you want to learn more, there is certainly plenty out there, including this
buzzfeed article and my
blog post from last year.
Blindfold Dinner: Our Vevchani weekend started with Stephen cooking a group of 32 a blindfold dinner. We drank kiwi/banana/apple smoothies and ate Comoran eggplant spread on a garlic crostini, rice balls with a fig chutney, chips with refried beans and creme fresh,
potato dumplings, homemade Texas tortillas with kiwi salsa, and homemade
cheesecake (I might have forgotten an item or two in there!).
One group blindfolded and ready for their meal. |
Some of the servers and kitchen staff- Alex, Sara, Kaitlin, Shannon, and Carly |
The servers and kitchen staff Jessica, Alex, Sara, Kaitlin, Shannon, Carly, Jamie, and Chef Stephen. |
Vevchani Carnival: This year was more tame than last year, however still just as frighteningly bazaar. Pictures tell the story so much better than words.
ReplyDelete(AKA Lorenzo, Honduras, 1975-1977)
Available on
Peace Corps Experience: Write & Publish Your Memoir
The ultimate “How-To” book for former volunteers & staff who have hesitated to tell their story. The author describes what a memoir is and offers tips on how to write, publish & promote.
“Tell your Peace Corps story, but first study this book.”
Robert Klein, PC Oral History Project, Kennedy Library
Years On and Other Travel Essays
The author describes how he hitchhiked along bleak Arizona highways, hacked a path through wooded Honduran mountains, avoided caiman while riding bulls in Bolivia and grizzlies as he hunted caribou in bush Alaska, ran for his life after getting involved in Mexican politics and more.
2011 Peace Corps Writers’ Travel Book Award Recipient
“The best and rarest of ex-pats: the Yankee gone native.”
Tony D’Souza, author of Whiteman.
Peace Corps Chronology; 1961-2010
Includes all notable activities related to the Peace Corps in an easy-to-read style, in chronological order and lists all volunteers who died during and immediately following service.
2010 Peace Corps Writers’ Special Publisher Award Nominee
“This is a very impressive book.”
John Coyne, Editor of Peace Corps Worldwide.
South of the Frontera; A Peace Corps Memoir
Following a job loss, a worn picture postcard ignites adventures leading to the Peace Corps Honduras. This is a vivid and humorous description of Mexico and Central America between 1975 and 1977.
2011 Recipient of Commendation from U.S. Congressman John Garmamendi (CA, Dem)
“A classic.”
Craig Carrozzi, author of The Road to El Dorado.
Whispering Campaign; Stories from Mesoamerica
A collection of short stories with telling details- a taxi driver unscrews his license plate bulb before driving, a young American bewitched by a female shaman waving a necklace of dried herbs, the son of a salesman who dispels the curse of guilt, freeing the ghost of remorse and much more.
2009 Peace Corps Writers’ Maria Thomas Fiction Award Nominee
“As in Chinatown or Ballad of a Thin Man, they go directly to the gut. The mix is a rich one.”
Allen W. Fletcher, author of Heat, Sand & Friends.