Friday, February 17, 2012


This photo circulated the Peace Corps Network and was titled: Peace Corps Fail
So the Engrish here isn’t quite as prevalent as the English found at Daiso stores (Japanese dollar stores), it still can be found here- mostly on clothing and much of the clothing is imported from Turkey or China. Here are some of my favourite phrases I have observed on children’s clothing.

Wild Valley Adventure Discovering Challenger” (Why not mix various tenses of English?)

“Crazy Shoes” (There are a surprisingly high number of shirts that feature pictures of tennis shoes)

"Boys Mans: Hip Hop Music" (Its music only for boys....and mans)

"Extrm Shirt" (Not to be confused with lame pants)

“CHAMPS: Experio Rimano: G. Washington: Coffee Sales” (George Washington, coffee, and a picture of an eagle)

"Frestybe Sk8barding" (I am assuming it was supposed to say: Freestyle Skateboarding)

"WDS: Wild Dolphin Sports: Phlic, Peas, Pective" (Love my dolphin sports to have some Pective)

"Batman: The Man in the Red Hood" (Wait did Batman and Little Red Riding Hood birth a child?)

My All-time Favourite: 

“Poker Knight: I Think My Pain Will Make You Flush”
(This was on a pink flowery track jacket worn by a 5-year-old. The only way I could interpret this where it could possibly make sense is if the “pain” was food poisoning and putting your children in clothing about food poisoning is just wrong.)

And for your future reading pleasure, check out for some more of everyone's favourite language!

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